Friday, October 2, 2015

The Real Path To Solutions

The longer we look to a broken government to regulate emotional problems, the longer we ignore the truth about ourselves and the real answer to the problems. The "old school" programing makes us "children/slaves" and them masters/parents. Until we take control of our own lives and seek change within ourselves, we will always be in a "victim" mentality.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Hypnosis Replaces Gastric Band Surgery

British reality TV star Gemma Collins says that she was successfully hypnotized to feel as though she had a gastric band implanted without the surgery ever having taken place.

The procedure has made it much easier for her to moderate her eating, she says, and it has helped her lose 40 pounds in three months.Before visiting the hypnotist, Collins had already begun working with a personal trainer and had undergone the non-surgical body sculpting technique known as 3D Lipo.

"Whatever he's done, it's bloody worked," she said.Healing from withinIn recent years, the medical profession has been taking increasing steps toward embracing hypnotherapy as a legitimate and effective treatment option.

In 2009, psychiatric researcher David Spiegel of Stanford University publicly called for it to be added to the list of approved treatments for more conditions in the United Kingdom.

"According to Spiegel, studies have backed hypnosis as an effective treatment for conditions as disparate as pain, allergies and high blood pressure.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Forgiveness Is Crucial

No matter what happened to you in the past, your programers only did what they were programed to do. Forgive them for that reason and also forgive yourself for the same reason. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bob Proctor Meetup Group

Hey guys! If any of you are even vaguely interested in Bob Proctor or Law of Attraction, I strongly suggest that you sign up for the LA Meetup. 

My blocks were cleared and The Bob Proctor Company reached out to me in a BIG way. I am the co-organizer of the meetup group and will soon be the radio host for the upcoming Proctor-Gallagher Master Mind Radio Show in LA. You would be doing me a big favor to join the group.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lisa M. Miller - Psychic, Medium, Animal Communicator

The 30 Day Guide to Creating an Awesome Life has been instrumental in bringing back a sense of grounding, focus, and intention for increased energy which translates to manifesting positive attitude and gratitude. The book is a philosophical tool that when used daily creates instant and long-term changes in how you perceive what is external and encourages making any necessary internal changes to create a healthier life in mind, body and spirit. I look forward to being in my 'happy place' any time I am engaged in the Daily Manifesting Techniques.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom Dave! 

Lisa M. Miller
Psychic, Medium, Animal Communicator
Over 300 Testimonials, Find out Why!
Cell:  484-798-4972

Friday, July 31, 2015

Reality Changer July Newsletter

Free Tickets To See Lindsey Wagner

Who wants FREE Tickets???
I have FREE tickets to see Lindsey Wagner (Bionic Woman)
August 9th in Lake Arrowhead, CA
She will be discussing her life, achievements 
and her energy work with EFT Tapping.

If you want the tickets email me at: 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bob Proctor Meetup Los Angeles

Hey everyone! I am teaming up with the Bob Proctor organization and we just started a meetup group for Los Angeles. This is the time to get inspiration and techniques from top success coaches. 

Here is the link: 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Bob Proctor - Do You Know Who You Are?

This video is from many years ago but the message remains current. It is the same message that I teach my clients. Life, School, Work, everything needs to include a deeper understanding of our true selves. Do yourself a favor and listen all the way through.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New Episode Of Reality Changer Radio

Coming up at 6pm (PST) Tonight on Reality Changer Radio, 
The secrets behind creating an awesome life for yourself and 
why everyone can do it! Don't miss this eye-opening show.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Practicing Your Manifesting Anywhere

With the 30 Day Guide To Creating An Awesome Life, 
you can take it anywhere and practice creating your new life!

Get Your Copy Now!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Learn To Love Yourself

We are taught to love others but not ourselves. Take some time every other day to look in the mirror and appreciate how awesome you really are. Look at yourself  and express how much you love that person in the mirror.

Monday, May 25, 2015

TIme Is Running Out

May 31st is the deadline for your RSVP 
to get your FREE copy of the 
"30 Day Guide To Creating An Awesome Life"

Here is an excerpt from the book:

"Can the sub-conscious as an “everyday” routine be programmed to change its interpretation of frequencies? If we could do that, can we then train ourselves to do this at will? For instance, can we “interpret” a table in the corner of the room and then “interpret” a chair instead? We already know that placebo drugs would never work if the sub-conscious was not in play. And with that comes the understanding that our sub-conscious can “create” a cure out of nothing but sugar-water. Take that just one step further and healing the body with the sub-conscious alone should be no big deal right?"

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Get Your FREE book!!

 The 30 Day Guide To Creating An Awesome Life is available now and you can get a FREE autographed copy of the book along with personal one-on-one instruction from the author. But you have to act fast. This offer ends May 31st!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Manifest While You Are Driving!

Los Angeles, New York, London, name the city and people that live there will tell you that the traffic is sometimes annoying. Ever had to wait for lights when no one is there? What if you could learn how to control traffic lights? That's right. Man-made energy is easy to manipulate with the right process and belief system. Want to learn how now? Take control of your life and reality, click on the link below for a book that will show you how to do it and explain why it works!!

This technique is usually taught in an advanced class for 10 times the cost of the book. You get this and more in only one book: 30 Day Guide To Creating An Awesome Life

Here is what just one of the students are saying: "Thanks for your wonderful suggestion on affecting traffic lights.. I made it all the way home on green!! 1 light that is never green was green.. using that within 10 sec rule still counts I needed on 3 lights but all the rest were GREEN!! It is nice to be empowered in traffic, no longer a slave to it. Thanks again for your great course."

Click The Link Below

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Wait Is Over Get Your Copy NOW!

The book that will help change your life forever is now available!! 
Click the image below to find out more!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


A book with techniques designed to help you not only become aware of your inner power, but enhance it. This book would have each day mapped out for you and is small enough to keep by your bed or carry with you. What if this book included a journal so that you could record your daily thoughts and feelings? How cool would that be? What if this book helped you to change your life forever?

Monday, April 13, 2015

You have been programmed....

You are programmed to fear the result of NOT WORRYING. Because we all know if you don’t have Plan B, Plan A will never work right? A famous actor put it perfectly “I never think about plan B, it gets in the way of Plan A”. But from the time we are little we are programmed to worry about everything our guardians worry about. Which in a very real sense you will find some kids not doing certain things at home because their guardians don’t feel it is needed. This is the same thing. Lack of knowledge is just as painful as limited belief programming. And just as damaging. And we all really know what is going on or you would not hear comments like “well things will be better for my kids” or “I want my kids to have a better life than I did”. Why? Because you know you were fed crap. You refined the crap and then gave your kids what you considered to be a better version of crap.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New Episode of Reality Changer Radio

Are you "running away" to vacation because you need a break? 

Before you plan your next one you need to listen to the episode!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Real Boogey Man

For thousands of years people have blamed "Evil" and the "Devil" for everything from ruined crops to plagues and wars. Movies, books and TV enhance the "belief". But what if it goes deeper than that? What if the "Real Boogey Man" is closer to home than we have been programed to believe? What if each one of us has the power to "create" evil...or not? Do not miss this episode.......

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Get Your FREE Chapter!

Download your FREE chapter of the life changing book!. 

This book is designed to be your daily coach and 
includes a personal journal along with manifesting techniques.
Clink the link below to get your FREE chapter and
start changing your life today!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Concentrate Your Focus

When you manifest a certain condition or thing, focus only on that. Do not focus on things that have any impact on it. Anything that may need to happen in order for you to have your manifestation will be automatically taken care when you manifest your desire.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Choice IS Yours!

You have been taught to point the finger and blame others or things for your present condition. This is “old-school” programing, as if you have no control and are at the mercy of others. Are you a slave or a master? God has left the choice up to you......

Monday, March 16, 2015


Are you doing things to make you happy?

Each day is an opportunity to become happy. No matter what you do in your work or your life, you need to maintain a certain level of happiness. This is easier than you think. One of the biggest obstacles to this is the incorrect belief that the external world really matters. As a perfect soul you are not bound to the external. You are what really matters, and once you get that firmly place in your mind you will see the external for what it is - The very expression of what is going on inside you.

Friday, February 13, 2015

FREE 75 Minute Consultation

All of us have times where we just need to vent and get some answers. Now is your chance to get a FREE 75 minute private and confidential assessment of your past and present situation.  We also at this time discuss future goals. We can meet in-person or through Skype. Click the button below to schedule yours today!

 Click Here To Schedule

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Time Does Not Exist

For many years I have taught that time does not actually exist as we think it does. I have also taught many people how to actually "Bend Time" so to speak. Below is a great article on the "non" reality of time....

By: Josh Richardson, Prevent Disease
Everything exists in the present moment and it’s a fundamental principle of the Universe that many of our scientists are still trying to grasp. Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it. There are things that are closer to you in time, and things that are further away, just as there are things that are near or far away in space. But the idea that time flows past you is just as absurd as the suggestion that space does.

Friday, January 16, 2015