Saturday, March 8, 2014

See what you want to see

When you look at something with your eyes, you see an interpretation of what you are focusing on. Whatever you are “seeing” vibrates at a certain frequency. A chair vibrates at a different frequency of a table and we “interpret” the frequency of a chair as we have been programmed to do. However, what if we could change the way we “interpret” frequencies? What if we could deliberately “see” a table instead of a chair? Let me ask you, do you remember that we have already agreed that the mind controls the health of the body? So if the mind (sub-conscious) controls at the very least, the health of the human body, what would be “average” for the mind to accomplish? Can the sub-conscious as an “everyday” routine be programmed to change its interpretation of frequencies? If we could do that, can we then train ourselves to do this at will? For instance, can we “interpret” a table in the corner of the room and then “interpret” a chair instead? We already know that placebo drugs would never work if the sub-conscious was not in play. And with that comes the understanding that our sub-conscious can “create” a cure out of nothing but sugar-water. Take that just one step further and healing the body with the sub-conscious alone should be no big deal right?

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