Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What You Can and Cannot Do....

There are many things in the external world that most people would like to remove. Things like diseases, poverty, famine, war. It is important to know three very important facts.

Number one is the fact that you cannot change anyone by any means, they must change themselves. On the bright side, they cannot change you either. With that said, stop trying to do things to make people like or love you more than they do or to make them happy, it will never work because in your belief system is the concept that "you need people to do these things for you so why not someone else".

Number two is very important. All of the pitfalls of man were created by man. We "lost our way" and started believing that the external was all and that we were "from" the external. We ignore our "God Given powers" and act as if all we have to do is something "physical" to solve our problems.

Number three.....any issue, war, disease, you name it will only exist if we choose to "accept" as real and give it the power of our awareness. Great example: Billions spent every year to cure cancer and still nothing....because all of those people that "want to get rid" of cancer only feel that way because they "believe" such a thing exists. And the more you talk about it, think about it, act out about it, actually gives it power and keeps it around.

Mother Teresa knew.....she said "invite me to any peace rally but not to an anti-war rally"

The truth is that we are so awesome and so powerful (Thank You God) that by merely "thinking" of a thing we give it energy and substance. Look back at all of the great manifesting advice from everyone around the world. Now, take a moment to understand that by those same methods "thought and feeling" we create all of the things in our lives that we do not wish to have there.....

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