Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Manifesting Newsletter Sign Up

Get monthly tips, techniques and inspiration, 
all designed to help you create the life you dream about!

Click the link below to sign up now!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Who is the REAL Boogey Man?

For thousands of years people have blamed "Evil" and the "Devil" for everything from ruined crops to plagues and wars. Movies, books and TV enhance the "belief". But what if it goes deeper than that? What if the "Real Boogey Man" is closer to home than we have been programed to believe? What if each one of us has the power to "create" evil...or not? Do not miss this episode....... 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tonight On Reality Changer Radio

When you are in the womb are you aware of the outside world? Is it then that you make life choices that will affect you later on? Are you in complete control of your reality as a child? Listen in as I explore the world we grow up in / live in and how choices are made for you that you believe are yours.....

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio

People are living longer than ever before. As more of us expand our awareness of what we can manifest, the thoughts go to prolonged health and happiness. Old school programing will have you acting like a drooling old fool and in a home after a certain age. Join me as I introduce you to people around the world who live by one motto: "No Limits". So, in the next 30, 40, 50 years....what will YOU do? 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Healing Meditation

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio
There is a little known creature that lives in each of us. It's job is to find any unhealthy bacteria in our bodies and devour it as if it were food. There are trillions of these things in us and they keep us healthy. I discuss what they and how you can harness their power for greater health. 

International Day Of Peace

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.

To mark the 30th anniversary of the General Assembly Declaration on the Right of Peoples to PeacePDF document, the theme of this year’s International Day of Peace is the “Right of Peoples to Peace”. This anniversary offers a unique opportunity to reaffirm the United Nations commitment to the purposes and principles upon which the Organization was founded. The Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace recognizes that the promotion of peace is vital for the full enjoyment of all human rights.

The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by resolution 36/67PDF document of the United Nations General Assembly to coincide with its opening session, which was held annually on the third Tuesday of September. The first Peace Day was observed in September 1982.

In 2001, the General Assembly by unanimous vote adopted resolution 55/282PDF document, which established 21 September as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire.

The United Nations invites all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Tuesday on Reality Changer Radio...

Gettin' Down To The Nitty Gritty.....

Quit wasting your time focusing on details 
that don't mean crap in the big picture of Manifesting!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What You Can and Cannot Do....

There are many things in the external world that most people would like to remove. Things like diseases, poverty, famine, war. It is important to know three very important facts.

Number one is the fact that you cannot change anyone by any means, they must change themselves. On the bright side, they cannot change you either. With that said, stop trying to do things to make people like or love you more than they do or to make them happy, it will never work because in your belief system is the concept that "you need people to do these things for you so why not someone else".

Number two is very important. All of the pitfalls of man were created by man. We "lost our way" and started believing that the external was all and that we were "from" the external. We ignore our "God Given powers" and act as if all we have to do is something "physical" to solve our problems.

Number three.....any issue, war, disease, you name it will only exist if we choose to "accept" as real and give it the power of our awareness. Great example: Billions spent every year to cure cancer and still nothing....because all of those people that "want to get rid" of cancer only feel that way because they "believe" such a thing exists. And the more you talk about it, think about it, act out about it, actually gives it power and keeps it around.

Mother Teresa knew.....she said "invite me to any peace rally but not to an anti-war rally"

The truth is that we are so awesome and so powerful (Thank You God) that by merely "thinking" of a thing we give it energy and substance. Look back at all of the great manifesting advice from everyone around the world. Now, take a moment to understand that by those same methods "thought and feeling" we create all of the things in our lives that we do not wish to have there.....

Sunday, July 20, 2014


It is one of the most dangerous things in human qualities. 
Self-justification is based in self-pity 
and seeks human sympathy — human sympathy
agrees with imperfection! 

These energies are subtle, but lethal as

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio

There are people at the top who know the truth of our existence and prefer to keep you ignorant to stay in power.....

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Your True Power Source

When you start to understand your true power, you need to keep in mind it's true source. For while you are born with the power, you are not the "creator" of the power. The power comes from the universe, "Godhead". And it flows through each one of us. Down through the ages humans have used it over and over again to perform what appears to the "un-schooled" as miracles. When the fact is that these so-called "miracles" are actually regular, everyday events you can create once you give yourself over to the "Godhead" and recognize it as the great source of your power.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tonight On Reality Changer Radio

Reality Changer Radio is going on vacation for a while. New episodes will begin airing in August.
Until then, enjoy these previously recorded shows. 

This episode originally aired February 12th and explores that basis behind all of our setbacks in life, Conditional Programing. It starts in the womb and continues until the day we die. The good news is that it can be changed to produce positive results. The bad news is most of us are unaware of where it comes from...until now... 

Your words have power!

When you fully understand the power your words have, you have to star catching yourself while you are talking. No more comments about your "lack" of anything.....

Start using phrases like "I am powerful", "I am strong", "I am the perfection of God's love"

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Watch Your Mouth!

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio.....What impact do your words have on you and others?

Monday, June 30, 2014

Please be kind to yourself.....

Your words about yourself and others have so much power. Do yourself a favor NOW and stop using negative words and sayings...period. It takes effort to watch yourself, but it becomes a new "positive" habit after a while....

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio...Ever Wonder?

Ever wonder about certain things, make yourself comfortable and let's wonder together....

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Basic Hypnosis Class

Have you ever been curious about hypnosis? Have you ever wished you could learn how to do it? This coming Saturday I am teaching a basic hypnosis class where you can learn hands-on about hypnosis and some of the more important part. You will even get a personal script to take home and information on who to seek out for additional training and certification. 

Tickets are on sale now until Friday
 Here is the link: 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio

You are the director of your play named "Your Life". This episode explores your role and the role of all of the "supporting cast" and how it all comes together in Your Play....

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio

What were you thinking? I explore how you have been programed to have certain thoughts and how that affects your feelings and reality. I will also go over how to "monitor" your thoughts and why you should make a habit of it.

Monday, June 9, 2014

True Enlightenment

Understanding and enjoying your connection to the godhead allows you to realize your power. It does not put you in a church or temple. It does not label you as one faith or another. For those things are not this. This is true enlightenment. This is the "shift" in action.....

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Continued Education at A Fraction of The Cost!

Our Meetup Group is the place to be for continued education in Manifesting and the Law of Attraction at a fraction of the cost of workshops or regular classes.

For $10.00, you get
    2 Hours with both Debbie and Myself in our home. We meet every other Sunday at 1pm to 3pm. We start the first half with a meditation of some kind and discuss its effects and uses. The second half is devoted to group interaction about what is going on around you, why it is happening and how you can control it.

If you bring friends, we always ask that you make sure they have an open mind. We would not want negativity to ruin it for everyone.

Come As Often As You Wish
We meet 2 - 3 times a month. All meetups are posted on our meetup page and in the events/classess section of the website.

Signup As A Member Today!
Our next get together is Sunday, June 15th. Be sure to RSVP on the meetup page to let us know which meetup you are coming to.

The More The Merrier!
We have anticpated this to be very popular and so we have gotten some really cool large soft pillows for everyone to sit on. We do sit on the floor, so if you have a favorite pillow you can bring that or use one of ours!

Click This Link To Join The Group - Reality Changer Meetup Group

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hypnosis Relaxation

Let go of your daily stress and recharge your batteries
I have created a Hypnosis Relaxation recording that will not only relax you but also help you eliminate negative energy. Some reviews of this Hypnosis are: “I felt like I just got a massage”, “I have been hypnotized before but never that deep, it was great”, “wow”, “nice” and more. Not only will you experience this deep sense of well-being for yourself, but you will also have your very own copy emailed to you. It can be installed onto your phone for using on your lunch break, or use it on the computer. You will be amazed at how it changes your day.

Bring Your Desire to Relax
60 Minutes
$20.00 per person

 Click the link below for tickets and location info

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tonight On Reality Changer Radio

In this episode I drop the F Bomb! That's right, that four letter word that cause so much trouble....F.E.A.R. How it controls our lives, how it is mis-understood and more importantly, how others use it to control you. It is time for everyone to wake up!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Go inside to clear your path

You always have a choice...

You can yell from the sidelines with the rest of the crowd, 
but the game will never change unless you're willing to suit up. 
If you wanna have a say, you gotta play.....

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tonight On Reality Changer Radio

Tonight we discuss the concept of a Universal support system for your manifesting. 
What happens to the external around us when we "get what we want"? 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Air Conditioning and Relaxation

Tonight in Fullerton, CA

 Let go of your daily stress and recharge your batteries
I have created a Hypnosis Relaxation recording that will not only relax you but also help you eliminate negative energy. Some reviews of this Hypnosis are: “I felt like I just got a massage”, “I have been hypnotized before but never that deep, it was great”, “wow”, “nice” and more. Not only will you experience this deep sense of well-being for yourself, but you will also have your very own copy emailed to you. It can be installed onto your phone for using on your lunch break, or use it on the computer. You will be amazed at how it changes your day.
The link below will take you to the event page.........


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Abraham Hicks ~ Things you must do everyday

Create A New Business Culture

Attention business owners, managers and CEO's. The old style of business is no longer viable with the new style of economic times. People are changing and those looking for work are getting more used to being paid less. So, how do you ramp up incentives to attract the best without breaking a budget that is already bursting at the seems? You need to start thinking long term. And by that I mean 10-20 years down the line. What will be the legacy your business has? More and more, companies like Zappos Shoes are turning to a different work culture to not only entice people but to keep the good ones as well.

Changing the culture at work is crucial in these times of less pay and more people seeking out ways to control their lives without being a slave to a job. I have developed a program which can help business professionals create an atmosphere at work that results in Less Time Off, Less Sick Leave, Higher Performance and Lower Turnovers.

Contact me today to find out how I can help you.

Dave Dickey

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Join me for a relaxing Saturday Evening

Let go of your daily stress and recharge your batteries

I have created a Hypnosis Relaxation recording that will not only relax you but also help you eliminate negative energy. Some reviews of this Hypnosis are: “I felt like I just got a massage”, “I have been hypnotized before but never that deep, it was great”, “wow”, “nice” and more. Not only will you experience this deep sense of well-being for yourself, but you will also have your very own copy emailed to you. It can be installed onto your phone for using on your lunch break, or use it on the computer. You will be amazed at how it changes your day.

The link below will take you to the event page.........


The Theory of Awesomeness (How to Live in the "Ultimate State of Human E...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Our May Skype Session Winner

I am happy to announce that
South Carolina, USA
of the FREE 45 minute Skype Session!

Congratulations Anne!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Our Store is Almost Ready!

As we get closer to launching the "Reality Changer Store", I will be posting some of the items on this blog to your left. "Daily Techniques" is our first item. It is a package of several techniques for use on a daily basis. Gratitude lists and why they are crucial to success. A Happiness Meditation that in 10 minutes can shift your mood and much more, all in PDF format. Be sure to click on the +MORE button on the ad for additional info.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Shift.....

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.
----------Bob Dylan----------

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Free Skype Session!

To celebrate the coming of Spring I will be giving away a prize. A FREE 45 minute Skype Session dedicated to any subject you want to talk about. I usually charge $45.00 for this but a lucky winner will get it FOR FREE. 

Just email your name and skype address to: realitychanger57@gmail.com
Put in the email subject line: SKYPE CONTEST

I will announce the winner MAY 1st, 2014.
The Skype session must take place before June, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Free Goodies!

Over $1800 worth of services and support will be available for a raffle.
this Saturday at the Manifesting Intensive! 

Don't miss out! For more info go to: www.whatyouthinkiswhatyouget.com

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What's It Worth To You?

Reality Changer Radio

This episode deals with asking the question "What's it worth to you?". 
 Several techniques are explained that will be taught in the workshop April 19th. 
Six Hour Manifesting Intensive.

For more info go to: www.whatyouthinkiswhatyouget.com.
It will blow your mind! 

Control Your Environment

What if you could learn how to control your work environment with a 5 minute technique that you do before getting out of bed in the morning?


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Stop Worrying

Tonight's episode of Realty Changer Radio deals with worry and hold to get a handle on it.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Real Life Success Stories

Tonight's episode of Realty Changer Radio deals with real life success stories of Manifesting and The Law of Attraction.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Six Hour Manifesting Intensive

Six Hour Manifesting Intensive

Learn the Complete Ins and Outs of Manifesting and The Law of Attraction

and Why Some People Don't Want You To Know...

Saturday, April 19th, 2014
11AM to 5PM
The Learning Light Foundation
Anaheim, CA

For Directions, More Info and Raffle Details Click The EventBrite Link Below

Everything is by choice......

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Letting Go.....

March 25th Episode Reality Changer Radio

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio

On tonight's show I will be discussing the importance of "letting go" when it comes to successful manifesting. Not only letting go of the past, but also letting go of what you are creating....you don't want to miss it. Tonight at 6pm: http://www.spreaker.com/show/the_reality_changer_radio_show

Sunday, March 23, 2014


After many months of preparation, the new website is finally done and uploaded!!

Try the new site now!!!
Feedback is most welcome!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Wealthy Mindset and The Law of Attraction

This will be a 3 hour workshop next Saturday, March 29th. We will be exploring what being wealthy means to you and how to create a "wealth vibration" that surrounds you 24/7. For more info and advance discount tickets please go to:


Letting Go........

One of the most important aspects of manifesting is letting go. Letting go is a two-stage process. First you must be mindful that all will be taken care of by the universe. This is crucial to success. With this firmly implanted you must then "regulate" how often each day you "manifest" a certain thing. The in-between times are when you "let go". In order to properly let go you must clear your mind of the thing you desire to manifest and focus your intent on other things. This way the energy has a chance to be released into the universe in order to serve you. To constantly "hold on" to whatever you are desiring to manifest will keep it with you and it will never get a chance to manifest.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Be Careful What You Wish For......

March 18th Episode Reality Changer Radio

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio

Be careful what you wish for!
I will be exploring what happens when you become really good at manifesting whatever you want.
Sometimes we have not planned for having certain things change in our lives and it freaks some people out - "what do I do now?"
Tune in tonight at 6pm PST to: http://www.spreaker.com/show/the_reality_changer_radio_show

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bob Proctor - The Subconscious Mind and How to Program it


Your Opinion Counts!

As you read through the posts and watch the videos, please feel free to leave comments. Agree, disagree or share your experiences. My goal with this blog is to reach out to everyone and share information I feel is important. You opinion really does matter....and thank you for taking the time to read this.

Parenting Changes (made with Spreaker)


Last Night's Broadcast

The broadcasting website had a meltdown in the middle of the show last night. Below is a player so that you can listen to the recorded version.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tonight on Reality Changer Radio

On tonight's broadcast, I will be covering some of the changes that are needed with parenting for the 21st century. Self-love, success and connection to spirit need to be taught to children. Listen tonight at 6pm PST on http://myradiostream.com/realitychanger

Monday, March 10, 2014

What is really possible?

We can use our sub-conscious to make sugar water into a cure just by using our belief system. Can we not then at the very least have a better day at work using that same belief system? Are we so powerful on one end and so weak on the other? No. We just have not applied that same power to the other areas of our life. Think about that for a moment. Because you believe yes or no you can affect the health of your body. What if you used that same process for your job or your relationships or whatever? What if, you could truly believe you could alter your perception of what you see? What then? Could you see a table when others see chairs? And if so, could you then put things on the table because “you believe” it is a table?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

See what you want to see

When you look at something with your eyes, you see an interpretation of what you are focusing on. Whatever you are “seeing” vibrates at a certain frequency. A chair vibrates at a different frequency of a table and we “interpret” the frequency of a chair as we have been programmed to do. However, what if we could change the way we “interpret” frequencies? What if we could deliberately “see” a table instead of a chair? Let me ask you, do you remember that we have already agreed that the mind controls the health of the body? So if the mind (sub-conscious) controls at the very least, the health of the human body, what would be “average” for the mind to accomplish? Can the sub-conscious as an “everyday” routine be programmed to change its interpretation of frequencies? If we could do that, can we then train ourselves to do this at will? For instance, can we “interpret” a table in the corner of the room and then “interpret” a chair instead? We already know that placebo drugs would never work if the sub-conscious was not in play. And with that comes the understanding that our sub-conscious can “create” a cure out of nothing but sugar-water. Take that just one step further and healing the body with the sub-conscious alone should be no big deal right?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

People will do what you let them do....

During the “cold war” children were taught how to react if we were attacked by nukes. Hide under your desk until it was over. Adults built bomb shelters and an entire business was created from them. The local library used their cellars as bomb shelters and you could tell if there was one by the toxic symbol on the outside of the building next to the word shelter. The symbol was a constant reminder that there was something to worry about and therefore fear it. My point is look at how far we will go once we “believe” something. Even if it is all just soda water. There are places in Pennsylvania that will tell you that they cannot serve you a rare steak. They tell you that it is against state law to serve you anything but medium. However, across the street is an internationally famous steak house that will give you a cold red center. Now I ask you, could they do that if it were state law not to? Of course not. This may be minor but it illustrates how everyone tries to sell you soda water with a different label. Don’t buy it. Not for a moment. Wake up and smell the coffee. Just like when you’re told that a scratchy throat means you’re coming down with something so you better “worry” about that. Placebo drugs are the same but they work because of the belief system. How about those times when you believed you were not man or woman enough because of the TV models and what they were “selling”? More soda water. Do your own research about stuff and don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions. Make people give you answers and facts to back up what they are trying to sell you. Do not take it at face value. And in the mean time learn for yourself what the “soda water” really tastes like and looks like, so that you can tell when it is just a different label.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Guilt Trip

The guilt trip is one of the major tools for negative programing. It starts a very young age. The following are classics that are told to you with angry or shocked faces and maybe yelling but always meant to make you feel bad about yourself: “oh no look what you did” – “you ought to be ashamed of yourself” – “are you a moron?” – “is that all you’re going to say after what I did for you?” – “I just wished you cared” – “you better do something nice for grandma after all she did for you” And I am sure you could add plenty of your own but you get the point. And the guilt trip for gratitude is immense! And this gratitude guilt trip goes so far in some cultures as to owe someone for years for something they did for you. And of course if you don’t show gratitude like you have been TOLD to you are what? A bad person of course….and the negative train rolls on.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Are You Awake Now?

"FDA APPROVED" DEPRESSION MEDICATION CAN KILL YOU....According to the ads for the medication.......are you awake now?

Fear Not Worrying

You are programmed to fear the result of NOT WORRYING. Because we all know if you don’t have Plan B, Plan A will never work right? A famous actor put it perfectly “I never think about plan B, it gets in the way of Plan A”. But from the time we are little we are programmed to worry about everything our guardians worry about. Which in a very real sense you will find some kids not doing certain things at home because their guardians don’t feel it is needed. This is the same thing. Lack of knowledge is just as painful as limited belief programming. And just as damaging. And we all really know what is going on or you would not hear comments like “well things will be better for my kids” or “I want my kids to have a better life than I did”. Why? Because you know you were fed crap. You refined the crap and then gave your kids what you considered to be a better version of crap.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fear-Based Control

Worry about your grades and what the teacher will say. Worry about getting your butt beat because you did not clean up your room. Worry about going to bed without supper because of some other reason. This is fear-based control and brain washing at it finest. And don’t get me wrong, everyone is doing what they really should do for each other as spiritual beings. We nurture and take care of each other. But we are doing it now with the wrong information. We are supposed to be teaching each other how to be happy and successful. We are supposed to be teaching each other how to THRIVE no matter what the external world looks like. We are supposed to be helping each other gain the knowledge that we are all equally powerful, spiritual beings that control reality, not mere humans that are at the mercy of fate and need to “react” to the external, when we are the very beings that created it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Forgiveness (made with Spreaker)


The power of the mind

In the present shift, it’s the power of mind that rules the world, and consequently it’s evident that he who’s acquired the best use of the power of spirit, will realize the greatest success, and reach the highest places that attainment and accomplishment hold in store. The man who wins is the man who may apply in practical life each part of his mental ability, and become a living example of manifestation. We occasionally question why there are so many capable men and admirable women who don’t reach those places in life that they appear to deserve, but the answer is simple. They are still caught up in the “old school” programing. These individuals, however, shouldn’t permit themselves to become dissatisfied with fate, but ought to remember that each individual who learns to make full use of the power of their spirit will reach their goal; they’ll realize their desire and will positively win.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tonight's Broadcast of Reality Changer Radio

Join me tonight at 6pm PST for Reality Changer Radio. Tonight I will be discussing forgiveness and love as it applies to your "conditional programing". Tune into: http://myradiostream.com/realitychanger

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Truth....

To look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of the truth, which is that there is no disease; it is only an appearance, and the reality is health. To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance. To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease, or to think riches when in the midst of appearances of poverty, requires power; but he who acquires this power becomes a MASTER MIND. He can conquer fate; he can have what he wants. - Wallace D. Wattles

Monday, February 10, 2014

You get what you focus on....

Whatever we consider deeply or intensely, the subconscious will absorb and develop further. Therefore, if we consider our failings, shortcomings or bad habits, the subconscious will take them up and give them more life and activity than they ever had before. If there’s anything that we wish to change, we ought to simply proceed to build up what we want and blank out completely what we wish to wipe out. When the good evolves, the bad disappears because the two cannot co-exist at the same time.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Beliefs = Thoughts = Feelings = The Reality You Create

Life is development and the object of right thinking is to advance that growth. Give less time attempting to change the opinions of other people, and more time attempting to improve your own life. Life becomes the way it is lived; and man might live the way he wishes to live when he learns to think what he wishes to think. Create your own thought and you become what you wish to become as your thought creates you. Your thoughts are directed from your belief system, but never forget that your feelings will direct your energy. We must think only such thoughts as tend to make us what we wish to be. In doing so we will create feelings that will produce energy. This energy will determine the outcomes. The secret of right thinking is discovered in always keeping the mind’s eye upon the greater and the better in all things. All outcomes are a direct reflection of the energy at play. This energy is created by our feelings of each situation.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Deliberate Creation (made with Spreaker)


Understanding True Desire

When we understand how desire works, and know that it works only when it’s persistent, we realize that we have found, not only an excellent secret, but likewise a simple explanation for many of the failures in life as well as many of its greatest accomplishments. And from the facts in the case we conclude that regardless what an individual’s condition or position might be today, if they’ll decide upon that something better that they want, they might get it, provided their wish for it is as strong as their own life and as large as their own soul.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Wealth Manifesting Workshop

Hey everyone. Tonight starts our 3 part series of Wealth Manifesting. Part 1 is discovering the blocks that are holding you back. It starts at 6:30pm at the Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio in Long Beach, CA. 3740 Atlantic, #201 upstairs.

Bruce Lipton and Wayne Dyer

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Forgive Yourself

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to forgive yourself. Especially AFTER you have accepted the fact that you created all this. We falter and have mishaps along the path. We learn from them and grow. We must allow ourselves to be human and be forgiving of ourselves and others when it happens. Your still "ok" even when it happens. When it happens just forgive yourself and everyone involved and send out love.....plain and simple. It works!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Expand Your Awareness

As adults, we owe it to the children to expand our awareness beyond what we have been taught. The world today is a result of limited awareness and limited beliefs. In order to cope with the changes that are needed, our youth need to have the skills to adapt as well as seeing us as an example. The youth need to feel as if the information is coming from "examples" and not just "adults". We need to be the change we wish to see. No longer should the children have it better than we had it. The new philosophy should be for them to have it just as awesome as we do!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

They don't want you to know... (made with Spreaker)


Your Belief System and Your Health

When you know that your belief system can turn sugar-water into a cure for warts, does it really matter which healthcare the government offers? When you can go inside yourself and feel and heal yourself, does any of that really matter? It is all on the external. You can heal yourself using the same method a hypochondriac uses to make themselves sick...your belief system.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tonight at 6pm PST. Reality Changer Radio. 
Tonight's topic - What They Don't Want You To Know.

Facts about how powerful you are and why certain people in power would be happier if you stayed ignorant and obedient.

Catch it each week at: www.myradiostream.com/realitychanger

Miss an episode or want to listen to older shows?
They are all right here on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK5c9lamNZoumgs2fRVL6og

Monday, January 27, 2014

True Awareness

Funny how so many people attach the word "awareness" to different causes. They have special races and make special clothes. They sell wrist bands and hold meetings. All in the vain attempt to rid themselves of the very thing they hold tightly. As I have said in the past, this is no different than not wanting something. The more you focus your intention and "awareness" on "not wanting" of something, the more you will manifest it. Sadly all of these "causes" could have ended a long time ago if this many people had focused their "energy" differently.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

NEWS FOR 2014! World Solutions - Bruce Lipton at UPLIFT Festival!

What You Attract

Everything that you experience is a direct reflection of your feelings and belief systems. Your belief systems dictate your thoughts which in turn dictate your feelings. Your feelings dictate the energy that goes out into the universe which will create your reality. The bottom line here is this: in order to change your reality you need to change your belief systems....everything else will fall in line with it.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Where do we go?

I am sure there are some of you out there that have experienced this. You are driving along and at some point you kind of zone out. The next thing you know is that you have driven for a long way without realizing it and can't even remember the dive or making the turns. Almost like you "blacked out". This happened to me the other day and as I "awoke" from my zone I almost felt drugged and kept that feeling for the rest of my drive.